A Puppy for His Little Page 4
The rest of the night his words echoed through my mind. We must be doing something right. I wasn’t so sure about that, but it felt right, and that was both comforting and terrifying at the same time.
Chapter Seven
I walked into the house, the aroma of my favorite dinner wafting through the air.
“Daniel?” I dropped my keys in the bowl by the front door and set my briefcase down. It had been a longer day than I had planned, a meeting going so incredibly well that it kept on going...and going...and going. But even with that time delay, I was shocked that Daniel was both home and home long enough to have made meatloaf.
“You’re late.” He bounced out, jollier than I’d seen him as Daniel in quite a while. His jeans and favorite soft-blue T-shirt, his bare feet, reiterated the fact he’d been home for a while as dis the faint scent of the soft-rain cologne he favored. Even more delicious than the aroma of the food. “Dinner is being kept warm. I hope it’s not dry.”
“It smells amazing. I’m sure it’s perfect.” I leaned in, giving him a far-too-brief kiss, his arms only half hugging me as they sported oven mitts. Adorable. “Did you take part of the day off?”
He stood back slightly, his face a shade of pink I adored. “I got a text and couldn’t focus,” he admitted sheepishly.
“And who was that text from?” A timer went off in the kitchen, and he held up one finger and scurried in. I followed, not wanting to miss an opportunity to see him bending over the oven, his ass clad in jeans.
He took out rolls, from a can yet still delicious looking, and set them beside the meatloaf. “Dinner’s ready.” He shut the oven door and turned to face me. Little minx thought I’d forget about the text.
“And…?” I let the question hang there.
“And...how about I plate up dinner and then we can chat?” He pointed to the table already set. Not the formal dining table, but the old fashioned farmhouse table that sat in our kitchen.
I took my seat, knowing it would be faster than trying to pull it out for him. If he was Danny, I’d just have to give him the look, but tonight he was Daniel, my sexy lawyer husband who had a secret to spill. Not a bad one from the way his energy was bouncing almost puppy like.
Puppy like. Why had I agreed to bid on Ryder? We’d had such a wonderful evening together. Almost too wonderful. And now I found my mind wandering to him far too often to be fair to Daniel. Is he doing all right? How are things at the hospital? Did he find a master? None of which was my business. He’d spent most of the night blissfully napping at my side and, when it was time to go, simply thanked us for the “best first night in a club ever” and headed home.
Danny told me it was my fault and threw a temper tantrum when we got home, earning him three additional spanks. He’d been right in a way. I was the dominant one in the group. It would’ve gone against Ryder’s nature to push himself on us. And yet...wouldn’t it have been unfair to push him on Danny for more than a night?
It had been one thing to hang out at the club together in the very platonic way we did. At least platonic in actions. There was something heady about having a pup trust you so completely they could fall asleep in a strange place. In thought? The evening was far less platonic. My cock in a perpetual state of hard.
Danny’s was, too. Which led to all kinds of naughty thoughts. Thoughts I kept to myself. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt Daniel, to make him feel like he was somehow not enough. He was. He was so much more than I ever dreamed to find in a partner.
Then why is my mind wandering into such dangerous territory?
“I made it the way you like it.” Daniel set the plate in front of me.
“Bread, not crumbs, and olives?” I clarified, and he nodded. “How did I ever get so lucky?”
“You’re not the lucky one.” He broke off a hunk of meatloaf with his fork and put it to his lips. “I am.” And in it went, his pink tongue darting out to grab a random bit that landed on his lip.
“I think that’s where you are wrong, love. I’m the lucky one.”
His face froze, and down his fork went.
“Maybe?” he squeaked. “I left work early after I got a text from Marion, and I said yes.” My poor sweet nervous husband. He sat there, the antithesis of what he was like in the courtroom. Anything Marion suggested had to be reasonable. Yet he was all nervous. I reached for his hand.
“Said yes to what, love.” I kept my voice calm and low, not wanting to increase his already visible nerves.
“To giving you Beau’s number.” And just like that he started to slip into little space.
“Come, love.” I pushed out my chair and patted my lap, and he immediately complied. “Thank you.”
“For getting a man’s number?” he asked timidly, and I pulled him close.
“No, for being so brave. You want to see Beau again, don’t you, my sweet brave boy.”
“Yes,” he whispered.
“So do I, love. So do I.” I rocked him in my arms.
“Really, Daddy?” he asked, this time with more confidence. “Because I won’t if it makes you feel bad.”
“I saw how happy you were last weekend and how bouncy you were today. Why wouldn’t I want that for you always? You are my boy, and my job is to take care of you. What kind of a daddy would I be if I didn’t see to your happiness?”
We sat like that, him in my arms just being close until long past when our meatloaf was cold and then, as if it all finally made sense, Daniel climbed off my lap and sat down.
“Are you more settled?” I asked.
“Yes. Sorry about that. I guess it was more...more…”
“You felt guilty,” I filled in for him. “And yet not.”
“That. I did. I do. I don’t understand it all.” He reached for me, and I scooted closer so our thighs were pressed together.
“You don’t need to understand it all.” I pointed to his glass of water, and he took a long drink. “Don’t ever feel guilty about how you feel or about telling me. Just because we both want to see him again doesn’t make our love any less. Did you want to see him without me?”
“Not this time.” So much meaning in those words. He wanted to be protected, and yet he felt he might possibly feel comfortable enough with him in the future.
“Thank you for your honesty.” I guided his head so he was looking me in the eyes. “Here’s mine. I have been thinking about him too. For some reason he feels like he fits with us and I don’t pretend to understand it. If you want to see if this is something more than just curiosity, I do as well, but if you want to shut this down now, I can send him a polite decline.” I would, too. In a heartbeat, and I would force whatever stirrings these were to go away. And really, if I hadn’t sensed him having them also, I half expected I wouldn’t have felt them myself.
“I want to.” I kissed him sweetly.
“Did Marion say why she called you instead of me?” That question had been forming in my head from the beginning. Marion was one for rules and protocols. She knew Daniel was my boy and that all things should go through me, yet, in this instance she didn’t follow that protocol...not really. And given she rigged the auction in our favor, even though she’d deny it if I ever mentioned it, there was some piece to this I was missing. Maybe Danny held the piece.
“She said you can call her about that but there was a reason.”
Oh, I was going to call her all right—after I finished the dinner my husband made.
“Want me to heat up your dinner?” I asked standing up.
“I’d rather you take me to bed.” He blushed.
“I could do that.”
Chapter Eight
We had what I considered a better-than-average, maybe even excellent—hell it was excellent—sex life, but the gleam in Luke’s eye as he scooped me up and carried me off to our bedroom promised even more heat than usual. He scattered kisses over my face, murmuring how much he loved me and how proud he was to be my husband
As Luke shifted me to free up one hand and grasp the bedroom door, I let out a little gaspy laugh. “If my meatloaf has this effect on you, before you even eat it, I’ll make it and leave it to dry out every night.”
His chuckle was warm and sensual, and my cock, already hard as a rock, jerked in my pants. “That’s not the dish I’m craving, although I plan to devour that later, too.” Devour. Ohhh. He let me slide to my feet and gave me a little whack on my bottom. “Let’s get all these clothes off you so I can decide what to nibble first.”
Trembling a little I lifted my arms over my head and let him draw my T-shirt over my head. He tossed it to the side and brought his hands to my bare torso. “See anything you want to…to nibble?” I asked, unable to keep the shake from my voice. “Anything yummy?”
“Mmm.” He kissed me, a long, deep caress of lips and tongue before answering. “I’ll have to taste and see.” He followed his words by grazing his over my cheek to grasp my earlobe and tug on is with his teeth. “Grrr.”
I couldn’t help laughing. “Thinking Theodore isn’t the only bear around here.”
“Nope. And this one is going to eat you up. What do you think of that?”
As he proved his words by licking and sucking and scraping his teeth over my nipples before continuing his travel to my stomach. I clung to his shoulders, my knees wobbling and threatening to give way.
Luke’s nimble fingers worked the buttons on my jeans then peeled them down. My boxer briefs, the same blue and just as soft as my shirt followed, letting my dick, which was the absolute opposite of soft, spring free and jut toward him. He dropped to his knees and closed one fist around it. “I think I’ve found the perfect snack.” My pants were at my ankles, but I didn’t dare lift a foot to free them up for fear I’d tumble to the floor, especially when he opened his mouth wide and engulfed my swollen, stiff member with his lips.
My husband was gifted in this way. I’d known that since the first BJ he gave me on our second date. My fingers dug into his shoulders as he showed me how tasty he did find me, licking and sucking, cupping my balls in his palm and squeezing lightly while his other hand gripped my hip, helping to keep me upright.
He released my balls and wrapped both arms around me, bringing me close against him and deep-throating me. As always, I had no defense against this move and with a groan poured my cum down his throat, pump after pump until, when it was all done, my knees finally gave way.
But my husband was quick and rose to his feet, lifting me as he did and carrying me to the bed where he laid me on my back. “I want to watch your face while I fuck you.”
“Yes, please.” I brought my trembling thighs to my chest and held them there with my arms over them, the way he liked, while he stripped off his work clothes and revealed a dick as hard as I’d ever seen it, pulsing with blood. “Please fuck me.”
He popped the cap on the ever-present lube bottle by our bed and coated his cock before turning his attention to preparing my body for his entry. Two fingers, slick with lube, worked inside me, twisting and scissoring while I writhed in anticipation. “You’re already hard again,” he marveled, positioning his dick at my hole. “Could you be imagining our new friend, your puppy, joining us in our play?” He withdrew his fingers, and I whimpered.
Oh God. He couldn’t have said anything hotter right at that moment. “No, but now I am. Do you think…will he? Are you okay with it?”
Gripping my ass cheeks, he pulled me closer to the edge of the bed and plunged inside in one smooth stroke, filling me to the brim. “What do you think?”
I groaned as he withdrew all the way to the head and thrust inside again. “I-I think you are.”
Then there was no more talk, at least not understandable, as we came together in the way we always did but with maybe just a little more slamming the bed into the wall than usual. We’d reinforced the frame our first year together after breaking it more than once, so that would hold up, but I was grateful there was no neighbor on the other side of that wall to bang and tell us to shut up
As I clung to my knees, holding my legs up only by main force of will, he shouted and rocked forward one last time, his hot cum jetting into me. Then neither of us breathed, for a long moment before he stood and eased my fingers free and straightened my legs. Wrapping a hand around my cock he used the touch he knew would bring me and in only four pumps I spilled over his fist, crying out his name. then he kissed me. “Love you, Daniel.”
“Love you, too, Luke.” Sometimes it was good to be Daniel and Luke, others Daddy and his boy, Danny, but I’d never dreamed I’d find someone so perfect for me. Would Ryder, or Beau, fit as well as I hoped?
We lay side by side on our bed, legs dangling off the edge for a while before we regained enough strength to move into the kitchen and eat the dinner I’d prepared. The meatloaf was a little dry, but Luke had seconds, and so did I. We’d worked up an appetite.
Chapter Nine
I will not stare at my phone.
I will not stare at my phone.
I will not stare at my phone.
I was a thousand percent staring at my phone. I knew better than to try to force a dom into something. No. I wasn’t forcing him, but there were protocols, and I broke every one by asking Marion to give Luke my number. I probably ruined everything.
They were members at the club. It would have been easy enough to finish my membership paperwork and just hang out there until we coincidentally were there on the same night. But did I? No. I was too impatient for that.
And, really? What was I thinking anyway? He had a little. Why would he want a pup, too? Littles were just as much work as pups, and his little wasn’t just a friend he hooked up at the club with—he was his husband. I knew better than to come between people.
Except it didn’t feel like coming between them. They welcomed me with open arms, and they had said sex was off the table so it wasn’t like I was trying to get that. I wouldn’t turn it down. I wasn’t stupid. But I was perfectly content just being around them, exploring my puppy side with people so secure in their roles.
People who let me fall into mine so deeply I fell asleep and had the best slumber since I moved here.
My phone lit up as a message came through. Ugg. Only Kasper, my old housemate.
You up?
Up. Sure. Staring at a phone that would never light up with the message I was looking for. Seconding guessing everything.
And then my phone rang. Kasper had never liked messaging, so it shouldn’t have startled me the way it did, but down my phone went to the floor. Great.
I bent down and swiped it as I brought it to my ear, “Kasper.”
“Ryder. Got a minute?” I had far more than that. I needed to get out of my headspace and stop thinking about the men from the club. They weren’t interested, and I just needed to make peace with that.
“I decided to apply to the club, and I need a reference.” He faltered on the word club, which made sense. In all the years we’d lived together he’d never once expressed interest even when I offered to bring him for a special event open to guests. He’d always been so...so vanilla. Not that that was a bad thing. It was just his comment that surprised me. “I was thinking you could write one?”
“Really?” I wasn’t even sure how to respond to any of this. “What has you wanting to head on over to the kinky side?”
“You.” What? “ And that sounds far creepier than it is.” It very much did sound—something. “It’s just when you came back from the club you always were—I don’t know—less stressed.” Ahh he was having a rough time at the office. I got that.
“Is work rough?” I sat on the edge of my bed.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” He went on and on about a new partner and twenty other things completely outside his control. No wonder he was looking for a solution. That didn’t mean kink was it. But who knew. Maybe it was. People find the lifestyle so ma
ny different ways. Heck, I only walked into the club for the first time because I wanted to impress my date. She didn’t work out, but it opened my eyes to something I hadn’t even known I was missing.
“So what do you think? Can you be my reference?”
“I think being stressed out isn’t the same thing as being kinky.” Which was true. I’d still do it, just needed to put that out there. He might find everything he’d ever wanted in that room, but it wasn’t a stress management facility.
“But you’ll do it.”
“Of course I will.” He was a great guy, and anyone would be lucky to play with him. “But just don’t put too much hope in it fixing things at work is all I’m saying.” He wouldn’t listen. And that was okay. He’d figure it out soon enough. What he really needed to do was to find a new job at a new firm. Not that he would leave, given his stepfather was a senior partner.
“Speaking of work...how’s yours?” And change of subject it was.
“Suck...but great.” We chatted briefly about the obstacles I faced and the wonderful people I worked with.
“And the local scene? Find a hot domme or dom?”
“Not really.” A hot daddy who took care of me like a master, maybe, but not a dom in the sense Kasper meant, so I was calling it an honest reply.
“But there is someone.” Because my friend knew me far too well. I never could hide things from him. Probably why we got along so well even with being so different in many ways.
“Two.” I admitted. “Maybe, but probably not. We did one scene together, except it wasn’t a scene. But we spent time together and I enjoyed it.” And I was a babbling fool.
“But they are married to each other and happily so.” Their love encompassed them in a way that warmed me just to be near them. No. They were committed and, from all signs, monogamous. It didn’t stop my longing.